Back hurt? Walk, says surgeon
01:20 PM CDT on Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Back pain? Most people reach for an aspirin or an Aleve, get a cortisone shot or a massage, take to bed or take a day off. Many turn to narcotic prescriptions.
But orthopedic surgeon and back expert Mark Brown says not to do any of the above. Instead: Get a sound diagnosis and then take a walk.

"Back pain is the most common reason for doctor visits today, and it is the most expensive disorder," he says. "Even though the cost of treating back pain has increased 65 percent, the results have decreased."
Dr. Brown is professor and chairman emeritus of the Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation at the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine. After 35 years of practice, he has written Conquer Back and Neck Pain: Walk It Off (Sunrise River, $11.95), advice he takes himself. He walks four miles several mornings a week.
Dr. Brown clearly explains the structure of the spine, with its 33 vertebrae and cushioning discs. The center of the disc soaks up water like a sponge. As it ages, or because it is genetically programmed to do so, the center deteriorates, deflates and loses its ability to cushion. It can do several things then, but most cause pain, often extending into arms and legs. Sometimes, the flattened disc squashes into the outer rim, narrowing the spinal channel and nerves. This is called spinal stenosis, a common cause of neck and back pain, as well as leg and arm pain.
When things get really bad, the vertebra will form bone spurs in an attempt to defend itself against sprains and more damage, and eventually cause even greater pain.
Basically, most back pain will go away, he believes. Pills, surgery, manipulation and other remedies can make the pain worse.
"The theme is to get a diagnosis by a qualified doctor ... then go to a specialist. If they prescribe something, make sure you know the up and downsides and the alternatives," he says.
From Dr. Brown's perspective, the best things you can do when you know what is causing back pain are to give up smoking, lose weight and walk, or participate in some kind of aerobic exercise, such as walking on a treadmill or swimming.
"Narcotics are horrible for people with back, bone and joint pain," he says. "They don't relieve the pain, and they actually worsen the quality of life and make them more sensitive to pain."
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