google:r:eal k:ids putrajy
fees dia = fengsan (-__-) but module dia sangattt besssttt! . am not going to elaborate on the fees and stuff.
but of course la go for affordable (rasanya boleh ajer, tp registration dia aje yg pengsan!) dan yg OK! pening juga nak cari area ptjya nih..again malas mau jot down details about kindies yg sudah di survey. hehhe sorry.
Then ive been searching around booster seat..dia dah taknak duduk not sure about her weight and height wise dah ok blum utk duduk booster seat..(nampak mcm belum, but i'll see how). and am not sure to go for backless booster seat(i preferred this as it doesnt look like 'take up' so much space,doesnt look bulky la or high back booster seat..
sekarang ni memang bebas bagai merpati la dia at the back seat..most of the time i buckled her at the back, but no use lah..doesnt meet the safety purposes..hanya cover lap saja..and my dream booster seat is...jeng jeng
Google: Backless turbo booster
check this out! G:raco
It's all about budget rite? think about your future needs. I am sure there are many other options which good in value and doesnt compromise the actual needs. If have extra kacinggg..boleh la spend some fancy stuff and expensive services.
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