hhhmm...amacam tgk sungai nih?sakit hati rite?
btw, ni adalah upstream okay..imagine what it looks like downstream+industrial discharge..and downstream?banjir , tanah runtuh etc..arrghhh..how this happen?my points are :because of uncontroled development and over exposed and unprotected soil at hill areas resulting to this..the rain will washed down all the exposed soil direct to the river. and to make it beautiful, the type of soil that make it worst :silt..kesian la our rivers..ni ke yang kita nak tinggalkan for our generation?poor them..i know M:alaysia banyak sungai..and banyak lagi sungai yang tak tercemar..but this??! hope through d:oe's effort by enforcing them to put mitigating measures on construction site..could cure this tak-kisah-punya-illness! kekadang hairan kenapa negara luar boleh maintain river (and its fishable!) even in big town!!our awareness and attitude tak cukup kelass lagi laa...haaiishh.. think think think (like tiger and pooh!)
im so sad la...like this clown...
p/s : dari kecik aku sedih bila tgk BA asyik kena tarah..see kan dah tanah runtuh!

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