Alhamdulillah, dah 5thn kawen..ada sorang anak *alhamdulillah*..dulu sibuk nak anak, dapat dah Allah yang tentukan ya.. kami sebenarnya takdela pergi REAL vacation..especially melibatkan anak..sebab me & hubby asyik pegi bedua aja..sian anakku itu..tak mengizin kan nak finally pegi juga somewhere..pikir2 balik, teruknya aku ni tak bawak anak jenjalan tido hotel bagai..mommy say sorry ok my girl. Sebenarnya trip nih mcm ala2 unplanned sebab hari jumaat (pergi PD hari Sabtu) baru terhegeh2 nak book..dah ler cuti skolah!survey punya survey dpt la dok S*lesa Resort area t:eluk kemang..ok la not bad tp herge mcm mahal juga la..cuti skolah and last minit booking..but it ok and selesa!not bad..the food was okey la..still can improve. facility lain ada pool (of course la kan), video arked, jet ski, banana boat etc....yg penting ada beach nak girl 1st time juga main sand beach..she enjoy it..eventou kedekut sand castle tools!bertuah betul budak tu..hehehe..takpe la janji dia happy..
we ate dinner outside, tak ingat la nama kedai apa..masuk kedai mcm seronok tgk gambar2 makanan dan menu2 best yang terpapar tp hampaaa semuaaa takde..yg ada nasi lemak and goreng2..takpela makan je la nasi lemak yang pelbagai banyak lalat la pulak!rasa nasi ala hangit sikit, makan je la sambil2 bangkukan anakku tu (sebelum tuh asyik berlari sana sini,last2 ku pegang sambil bangkukan di peha supaya tak kemana2 ..hahah)makan punya makan tak habis plak..and tetiba dengar statement "mommy nak nasi?" 1st time mkn nasik lemak..kesian anakku ini kan. pastu me n hubby saling berpandangan pastu me terus suapkan nasi tu yang harus hanya nasi putih no traces of sambal watsoever..fussy tp no prob i can handle that!
hari ahad kami check out..sebelum balik kami singgah di ostrich santuary. Ada macam2 haiwan, bukan setakat ostrich je.Ada kambing2, monkeys..siap ada pertunjukan, ada ayam2 yg berkepala kuning pun ada, ada rabbit & angsa. Then ada o:strich ride which adlina naik!di apit oleh dua org brader2 yang jaga di situ. we brave enuff to let her ride! and dia buat muka selamba mula2 nampak macam dia ok lepas tu..go girl!so proud of her! lepas tu ada telur ostrich yg boleh dipijak oleh individu berat kurang dari 120kg..nasib akaak lepas!haha.. telur tu satu biji beratus harganya..rupa telur mcm dinasor punya telur. Kulit telur setebal syiling 50sen tp sanggaat keras.nak tebuk utk dapat isinya kena gerudi okey..kalau kapak atau lain2 tools nanti isi jadi hancur. kalau nak rebus 2jam tak silap.lama tuh! Hari sangat panas, jadi akhir lawatan, kami pekena c:oke. kat cafe dia ada jual satey ostrich juga,tp kami tak cuba sbb nak balik cepat. Tempat tu ada juga sourvenier shop, tak beli apa2 cuma adlina bleh claim sijil sebab naik ostrich tu!wow hebaat!!!
Pastu kami it was fun,eventou unplanned trip.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
upload gambar pun malas
sudah agak lama tak buzy and am lazy!oh well, raya pun dah habis which i tak berapa celebrate pun :< becoz..
1. on the 2nd day of raya,adlina dah kena sakit mata..she got it from her teacher yg dah dua hari kena pun still at the nursery!arrrghhh marah betul! tp 3rd day raya terpaksa gamble pi taipeng beraya ngan hubby's opah and tokwan..we dont mind thou..sbb it was a day trip..adlina played with hubby's small cousins..susah nyer nak control budak2 kan..alhamdulliah takde berita depa pun berjangkit..fuh lega di situ.
2. After 4-5 days adlina dh baik..then selang 2 hari, me plak masa tuh dh masuk ofis, tomorrow (saturday) officially kena sakit mata.which was last until 3weeks later!!! first i was soooo mad at the teacher..bila hantar adlina lepas cuti raya, dia boleh buat mcm funny plak me kena sakit mata!lagi laaa sakit the hati! tapi lama2 fikir, Allah bagi kita penyakit utk beri ujian pada me bersabar..dan bersabar..sampai dah baik sekarang nih..
3.nak citer gak kronologi my treatment. day 1 dah pergi private clinic at kajang..okey dia bagi eye drop,oitment and doc said my mata quite bad..ok after 5days of treatment, its getting worst!lagi bengkak and lagi teruk merahnya!dengan tak tahannya, me pegi emergency wad at P:trajaya H..alone. Doc said this is really bad conjunctivities (tp lagi teruk kalau kornea koyak!ouucchh!), i even notice siap ada gelembung air kat mata putih tuh, mcm ada thin skin with liquid underneath just waiting to pecah! haaaa..scary tgk mata sendiri!!! mmg kalah la pontianak harum sundal malam..hahaha.. then that doc terus refer me to specialist..petang tuh jugak dpt gi specialist(optalmologis melayu nyer)!!yeayyy..lega giler!
4. Lepas tuh specialist kata, this is quite bad...dia buat cleaning procedure..mcm dia buang selaput kat mata with cotton bud..and it bleeds skit...aawwwww!acah jer tak seram tgk ada darah kat kejap jer..doc bagi cuti 7days. mata kanan paling teruk la..tearing memang banyak sampai dah berapa malam tuh sakit berjaga lap mata meleleh. dari masa peringkat ni memang jadi hygenic freak la..macam2 produk d:ettol me beli, from sanitizer to anti-bac spray..itu yg best any surface (not sure on cloth bleh ke tak) la asyik spray2 at streering wheel, door knob..on the la la..
5.2nd appointment, doc kata (different doc plak) kata selaput mata still tebal lagi..dia buat lagi lama tenyeh2 tenyeh..pastu siap kena pakai arificial tear sbb mata dh kering sgt..another 9days of medical leave..i was she crazy bagi cuti lama2 mcm nih!!!impossible!! but she was rite until the end of MC pun tak sgt lagi!!cuma hilang merah la.
6. one effect disebabkan sakit mata nih adalah menjejaskan penghilatan ku..memang blur la, serupa macam tak pakai cermin mata! Doc kata visions tuh boleh baik dalam tempoh 3bln dan kadang2 ada yang sampai 6 bln!!! OMG!ya Allah berikan ku kekuatan. macammana boleh jadi blur??sebab kornea kita sepatutnya clear & transparent. tp sebab banyak dot dot disebabkan kering/selaput/viral ( maybe sebb kering) yg menyebabkan mata jadi blur..sama mcm pakai spec yg cermin nyer kotor & berminyak & penuh cap jari la umpanya..sekarang ni nak taip ni memang blur2 nasib my fingers (or my brain..hahaa) dah 'hafal' location of the keyboard without looking.. sabar la sha..walaupun hari mendatang pasti agak sukar sebb kerja ku perlu banyak membaca report dan mengadap PC. dan sekarang memang susah nak fokus.
7. teruskan memakai artificial tear sampai next appointment. now hubby pun dah kena sakit mata from me, after all the precaution pun kena juga..yelaa satu rumah kan.. raya & open house semuanya bye bye.. :< .time2 duduk kat rumah masa tu rasa macam nak brenti keje, and jaga anak kat rumah, baking2 and work from my dreams..
well, glad $adlina tak kena teruk like mine..kalau tidak kesian i enjoyed pkai sun glasses ALL THE TIME! w/pun kat rumah, sebab mata juga jadi sensitif kepada cahaya lampun & matahari..oh, what about cerita upload gambar??hahaha..sebenarnya nak ckp suka amik gambar tapi malas nak upload, blehhh??? oh, btw, jika u all kena sakit mata, jgn makan sea food ya especially udang & sotong sebab ada uric acid..nanti lambat baik, mine wasnt gatal tp mungkin certain org kata jgn makan sebab nanti gatal, tp sebenarnya sbb uric ikan takpe..sori no pictures..just a loonnngg boring story..heeeeee
1. on the 2nd day of raya,adlina dah kena sakit mata..she got it from her teacher yg dah dua hari kena pun still at the nursery!arrrghhh marah betul! tp 3rd day raya terpaksa gamble pi taipeng beraya ngan hubby's opah and tokwan..we dont mind thou..sbb it was a day trip..adlina played with hubby's small cousins..susah nyer nak control budak2 kan..alhamdulliah takde berita depa pun berjangkit..fuh lega di situ.
2. After 4-5 days adlina dh baik..then selang 2 hari, me plak masa tuh dh masuk ofis, tomorrow (saturday) officially kena sakit mata.which was last until 3weeks later!!! first i was soooo mad at the teacher..bila hantar adlina lepas cuti raya, dia boleh buat mcm funny plak me kena sakit mata!lagi laaa sakit the hati! tapi lama2 fikir, Allah bagi kita penyakit utk beri ujian pada me bersabar..dan bersabar..sampai dah baik sekarang nih..
3.nak citer gak kronologi my treatment. day 1 dah pergi private clinic at kajang..okey dia bagi eye drop,oitment and doc said my mata quite bad..ok after 5days of treatment, its getting worst!lagi bengkak and lagi teruk merahnya!dengan tak tahannya, me pegi emergency wad at P:trajaya H..alone. Doc said this is really bad conjunctivities (tp lagi teruk kalau kornea koyak!ouucchh!), i even notice siap ada gelembung air kat mata putih tuh, mcm ada thin skin with liquid underneath just waiting to pecah! haaaa..scary tgk mata sendiri!!! mmg kalah la pontianak harum sundal malam..hahaha.. then that doc terus refer me to specialist..petang tuh jugak dpt gi specialist(optalmologis melayu nyer)!!yeayyy..lega giler!
4. Lepas tuh specialist kata, this is quite bad...dia buat cleaning procedure..mcm dia buang selaput kat mata with cotton bud..and it bleeds skit...aawwwww!acah jer tak seram tgk ada darah kat kejap jer..doc bagi cuti 7days. mata kanan paling teruk la..tearing memang banyak sampai dah berapa malam tuh sakit berjaga lap mata meleleh. dari masa peringkat ni memang jadi hygenic freak la..macam2 produk d:ettol me beli, from sanitizer to anti-bac spray..itu yg best any surface (not sure on cloth bleh ke tak) la asyik spray2 at streering wheel, door knob..on the la la..
5.2nd appointment, doc kata (different doc plak) kata selaput mata still tebal lagi..dia buat lagi lama tenyeh2 tenyeh..pastu siap kena pakai arificial tear sbb mata dh kering sgt..another 9days of medical leave..i was she crazy bagi cuti lama2 mcm nih!!!impossible!! but she was rite until the end of MC pun tak sgt lagi!!cuma hilang merah la.
6. one effect disebabkan sakit mata nih adalah menjejaskan penghilatan ku..memang blur la, serupa macam tak pakai cermin mata! Doc kata visions tuh boleh baik dalam tempoh 3bln dan kadang2 ada yang sampai 6 bln!!! OMG!ya Allah berikan ku kekuatan. macammana boleh jadi blur??sebab kornea kita sepatutnya clear & transparent. tp sebab banyak dot dot disebabkan kering/selaput/viral ( maybe sebb kering) yg menyebabkan mata jadi blur..sama mcm pakai spec yg cermin nyer kotor & berminyak & penuh cap jari la umpanya..sekarang ni nak taip ni memang blur2 nasib my fingers (or my brain..hahaa) dah 'hafal' location of the keyboard without looking.. sabar la sha..walaupun hari mendatang pasti agak sukar sebb kerja ku perlu banyak membaca report dan mengadap PC. dan sekarang memang susah nak fokus.
7. teruskan memakai artificial tear sampai next appointment. now hubby pun dah kena sakit mata from me, after all the precaution pun kena juga..yelaa satu rumah kan.. raya & open house semuanya bye bye.. :< .time2 duduk kat rumah masa tu rasa macam nak brenti keje, and jaga anak kat rumah, baking2 and work from my dreams..
well, glad $adlina tak kena teruk like mine..kalau tidak kesian i enjoyed pkai sun glasses ALL THE TIME! w/pun kat rumah, sebab mata juga jadi sensitif kepada cahaya lampun & matahari..oh, what about cerita upload gambar??hahaha..sebenarnya nak ckp suka amik gambar tapi malas nak upload, blehhh??? oh, btw, jika u all kena sakit mata, jgn makan sea food ya especially udang & sotong sebab ada uric acid..nanti lambat baik, mine wasnt gatal tp mungkin certain org kata jgn makan sebab nanti gatal, tp sebenarnya sbb uric ikan takpe..sori no pictures..just a loonnngg boring story..heeeeee
Sunday, June 27, 2010
what chu doing...?
What i have been doing for the past a month:
1) Pergi A:lor Star for weddings:
**best juga AS
**byk rumah banglo turns into!besar n selesa!
**Pekan rabu!
**meehoon sup kat pekan rabu terbaeeekkk!
**tried traditional kueh..tak ingat la nama..bunga pudar or something..not sweet and very colourful!crispy rice flour (i think) with colourful n not so sweet dried coconut filling..
2) layan N:epal delegates:
**they can speak n understand hindustan
**they greet 'namaste'
**national flag tiga segi!rasanya bendera dia jer yg not square..tiga segi melambangkan puncak
**some doest look like indian pun
**they wear sari too
**they dont hv much electricity in their country..and the demand is high..
*they hv 4 seasons..used to hv snow in k:athmandu during winter..
**they are landlock country.takde beach/laut etc..seafood mahal..and they were thrilled to see beach..jadinyer appreciate la beach kita!
3)Pergi B:TN at UPM:
**sebelum pegi btn,sempat gi tgk SATC wit a fren..awesome!!!
**lerr giler dekat..hahahhaha.
**tak strict sgt pun..
**had fun naik 5tingkat (saper suruh dtg lambat!)..takpe,janji dapat satu bilik with my lovely frens..hehhe..
**dpt baanyakk kwn baru. dpt new roomie gak..dia sakit belakang..nak pendekkan sakit pinggang tolong org sakit pinggang (but more severe punya)..hahahhaha
**balik btn i suffered from back pain..really bad..dah lama tak sakit mcm esoknya still masuk keje.. :<
4) Main bowling
**taknak main sbb u know what kena paksa main..
**dpt la nombor 2..
**a:dlina tak sah tak nangis..standard la bila kat crowded places..but she had fun too and super frenly plak ngan mak2 org! and dia berangan nak angkat bola bowling!!!oh no..go away,mommy nk baling bola nih!
5) lepas bowling jer layan T:oy S:tory 3!!!:
**glad managed to beli tiket at the rite time..nasib wayang dekat giler ngan bowling alley
**i was giler layan ngan TS3...nangis okeyyy!!!!
**sedih andy dh masuk kolej!!!!tinggal toy2 nyer!!!
**sedey ngan nasib malang toy2 ituh..!!tgk la muke2 diaorg kat bawah tuh, sumer happy buat2
jer tuh..hehehe..
(pic source:google)
1) Pergi A:lor Star for weddings:
**best juga AS
**byk rumah banglo turns into!besar n selesa!
**Pekan rabu!
**meehoon sup kat pekan rabu terbaeeekkk!
**tried traditional kueh..tak ingat la nama..bunga pudar or something..not sweet and very colourful!crispy rice flour (i think) with colourful n not so sweet dried coconut filling..
2) layan N:epal delegates:
**they can speak n understand hindustan
**they greet 'namaste'
**national flag tiga segi!rasanya bendera dia jer yg not square..tiga segi melambangkan puncak
**some doest look like indian pun
**they wear sari too
**they dont hv much electricity in their country..and the demand is high..
*they hv 4 seasons..used to hv snow in k:athmandu during winter..
**they are landlock country.takde beach/laut etc..seafood mahal..and they were thrilled to see beach..jadinyer appreciate la beach kita!
3)Pergi B:TN at UPM:
**sebelum pegi btn,sempat gi tgk SATC wit a fren..awesome!!!
**lerr giler dekat..hahahhaha.
**tak strict sgt pun..
**had fun naik 5tingkat (saper suruh dtg lambat!)..takpe,janji dapat satu bilik with my lovely frens..hehhe..
**dpt baanyakk kwn baru. dpt new roomie gak..dia sakit belakang..nak pendekkan sakit pinggang tolong org sakit pinggang (but more severe punya)..hahahhaha
**balik btn i suffered from back pain..really bad..dah lama tak sakit mcm esoknya still masuk keje.. :<
4) Main bowling
**taknak main sbb u know what kena paksa main..
**dpt la nombor 2..
**a:dlina tak sah tak nangis..standard la bila kat crowded places..but she had fun too and super frenly plak ngan mak2 org! and dia berangan nak angkat bola bowling!!!oh no..go away,mommy nk baling bola nih!
5) lepas bowling jer layan T:oy S:tory 3!!!:
**glad managed to beli tiket at the rite time..nasib wayang dekat giler ngan bowling alley
**i was giler layan ngan TS3...nangis okeyyy!!!!
**sedih andy dh masuk kolej!!!!tinggal toy2 nyer!!!
**sedey ngan nasib malang toy2 ituh..!!tgk la muke2 diaorg kat bawah tuh, sumer happy buat2
jer tuh..hehehe..
(pic source:google)

Friday, April 23, 2010
Penang 2010
Hahahaha..laugh all you want im declaring myself..first time i puting my foot in Penang!!!was actually..but yeay!finally!!!after dulu dah termalu dengan statement2 ppl .."what?tak pernah pergi penang??hahaha' and another one a statement from a very nice old lady from Aussie whom i met at UK..'Yeah,ive been to Penang 4 times with my daughter' *sigh*
Penang its all about the food rite?!(besides the historical sites la). So,our first destination..jeng jeng jeng.. m:ee udang Sg.D:ua!!! We (me and collegue) manage to find the place, hentam saja..but thanks to my boss's info tru her iphone..we read other ppl's blog about that place. Totally forgot about the directions but, what i know the restaurant was after a brige. after we choose2 the prawn, then the waiting and waiting..then,slurp slurp slurp..sedap sedap sedap..then licin!!
After that shoot to P:enang bridge during sunset..pittty me i dont have nice camera, so pic a bit blur!and everybody was like..' Wah..sha..excited tak?nak amik gambar sha la muka excited 1st time lalu jembatan nih.."..i was like..'siot jer korang ek'.. it was beautiful,the sunset was just infront of us..i just saw the hues of orange fades away..
2nd nite we ate at Hameediyah..superb naan tandori i tell u!!!!then we went to F:eringgi for the 'pasar malam'..superb too!!!rugi tak gi! 3rd nite we tried Sup Hameed..i ordered sup ayam with roti...opps before that terlupa plak, makan nasi kandar sikit..(memang sikit pun!).then we tought of minum teh tarik else where, so a collegue from penang drove us to Food court at P:adang K:ota..tapi tertewas,we did order more food!!!we ordered chaw kueh tiaw kering and sotong kangkung and sotong kering/bakar...giler la!!macam nak meletup okey?! then, we buy some jeruks.balik hotel pengsan. btw, we stayed at center s*cks!i mean the ppl. taknak citer la.
The best thing that i enjoyed most was the sooo in love with the old collonial buildings...the conserve it as it,they deserve with the title "world herritage".. i just love love love those buildings!!
Nak balik as usual shopping for jeruks la.very nice oooo...tapi siapa tak tahan memang batuk2 la lepas tuh. i did had caugh at that time..but i just dont care..and here i am still coughing until now..well, thats about it..dont have much time to tell more..hehe. Cheers!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Aral Sea 'shocking disaster'...

i got this from Yahoo! could a sea shrink that much?Allah yang maha Kuasa yang mampu menjadikan sebegini rupa sebagai peringatan kepada kita...tengok lah perbezaannya setelah 20 tahun.
NUKUS, Uzbekistan – The drying up of the Aral Sea is one of the planet's most shocking environmental disasters, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Sunday as he urged Central Asian leaders to step up efforts to solve the problem.
Once the world's fourth-largest lake, the sea has shrunk by 90 percent since the rivers that feed it were largely diverted in a Soviet project to boost cotton production in the arid region.
The shrunken sea has ruined the once-robust fishing economy and left fishing trawlers stranded in sandy wastelands, leaning over as if they dropped from the air. The sea's evaporation has left layers of highly salted sand, which winds can carry as far away as Scandinavia and Japan, and which plague local people with health troubles.
Ban toured the sea by helicopter as part of a visit to the five countries of former Soviet Central Asia. His trip included a touchdown in Muynak, Uzbekistan, a town once on the shore where a pier stretches eerily over gray desert and camels stand near the hulks of stranded ships.
"On the pier, I wasn't seeing anything, I could see only a graveyard of ships," Ban told reporters after arriving in Nukus, the nearest sizable city and capital of the autonomous Karakalpak region.
"It is clearly one of the worst disasters, environmental disasters of the world. I was so shocked," he said.
The Aral Sea catastrophe is one of Ban's top concerns on his six-day trip through the region and he is calling on the countries' leaders to set aside rivalries to cooperate on repairing some of the damage.
"I urge all the leaders ... to sit down together and try to find the solutions," he said, promising United Nations support.
However, cooperation is hampered by disagreements over who has rights to scarce water and how it should be used.
In a presentation to Ban before his flyover, Uzbek officials complained that dam projects in Tajikistan will severely reduce the amount of water flowing into Uzbekistan. Impoverished Tajikistan sees the hydroelectric projects as potential key revenue earners.
Competition for water could become increasingly heated as global warming and rising populations further reduce the amount of water available per capita.
Water problems also could brew further dissatisfaction among civilians already troubled by poverty and repressive governments; some observers fear that could feed growing Islamist sentiment in the region.
Ban also is taking on the region's frequently poor human rights conditions.
That is likely to be an especially tense issue when he meets Monday with Uzbek President Islam Karimov, who has led the country since the 1991 Soviet collapse and imposed severe pressure on opposition and civil rights activists.
The meeting comes less than two weeks after the U.N. Human Rights Committee issued a report criticizing Uzbekistan, including calling for fuller investigation of the brutal suppression of a 2005 uprising in the city of Andijan. Opposition and rights groups claim that hundreds were killed, but authorities insist the reports are exaggerated and angrily reject any criticism.
Once the world's fourth-largest lake, the sea has shrunk by 90 percent since the rivers that feed it were largely diverted in a Soviet project to boost cotton production in the arid region.
The shrunken sea has ruined the once-robust fishing economy and left fishing trawlers stranded in sandy wastelands, leaning over as if they dropped from the air. The sea's evaporation has left layers of highly salted sand, which winds can carry as far away as Scandinavia and Japan, and which plague local people with health troubles.
Ban toured the sea by helicopter as part of a visit to the five countries of former Soviet Central Asia. His trip included a touchdown in Muynak, Uzbekistan, a town once on the shore where a pier stretches eerily over gray desert and camels stand near the hulks of stranded ships.
"On the pier, I wasn't seeing anything, I could see only a graveyard of ships," Ban told reporters after arriving in Nukus, the nearest sizable city and capital of the autonomous Karakalpak region.
"It is clearly one of the worst disasters, environmental disasters of the world. I was so shocked," he said.
The Aral Sea catastrophe is one of Ban's top concerns on his six-day trip through the region and he is calling on the countries' leaders to set aside rivalries to cooperate on repairing some of the damage.
"I urge all the leaders ... to sit down together and try to find the solutions," he said, promising United Nations support.
However, cooperation is hampered by disagreements over who has rights to scarce water and how it should be used.
In a presentation to Ban before his flyover, Uzbek officials complained that dam projects in Tajikistan will severely reduce the amount of water flowing into Uzbekistan. Impoverished Tajikistan sees the hydroelectric projects as potential key revenue earners.
Competition for water could become increasingly heated as global warming and rising populations further reduce the amount of water available per capita.
Water problems also could brew further dissatisfaction among civilians already troubled by poverty and repressive governments; some observers fear that could feed growing Islamist sentiment in the region.
Ban also is taking on the region's frequently poor human rights conditions.
That is likely to be an especially tense issue when he meets Monday with Uzbek President Islam Karimov, who has led the country since the 1991 Soviet collapse and imposed severe pressure on opposition and civil rights activists.
The meeting comes less than two weeks after the U.N. Human Rights Committee issued a report criticizing Uzbekistan, including calling for fuller investigation of the brutal suppression of a 2005 uprising in the city of Andijan. Opposition and rights groups claim that hundreds were killed, but authorities insist the reports are exaggerated and angrily reject any criticism.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
nak buat luahan perasaan kejap.
saya tengah mengedit surat yang tiada penghujungnya!!!yang paling best some of the points yang was the original points..letih okeyy???but this does not happens everyday..but this particular surat yang liat giler nak sudahnya..i mean..bukannya surat complicated takpela..saya sabar ajaa..edit mistakes that i make thats fine..but adding another points when you already say 'OK'..thats not fine..bazir ajaa paper..dah la baru jer spring clean my workstation after couple of years (tp still tak kemas mana pun!), kotak r:ecycle p:aper pun baru dikosongkan (for shredding, yes we cant simply buang documents) menyampah ajer mcm nak penuh balik..fikir2 balik, banyaknya membazir keje kat..t****t. azam tahun nih cuba kurangkan penggunaan kertas.
Im not complaining..but its really annoys me when simple thing become so complicated..and not realising it affect other ppl..or perhaps waste of paper etc..ok la cuba2 la work smart smart nya lepas nih..
Thursday, March 18, 2010
jalan-jalan di UK
Alhamdulillah husband saya menang lagi pertandingan tengok bola (yes, menang lagi!last 2 years gi tgk Euro 2008 kat switzerland). Arrival di M:anchester spt yang sedia maklum memeng tengah sejuk lagi!seriously!badan pun terkejut laa..iyer la mana pernah pegi time winter lagi..walaupun dah end of sejuknya ya amat..tak dpt bayang sejuknya ketika awal/pertengahan winter!tapi dulu lecturer ada ckp, time snow turun tak la sesejuk ketika snow nak melting..cant remember that particular term.. satu advice kalu u alls nak gi UK make sure la tahu address lengkap tmpat penginapan..mmg org imegresen nyer seboleh2 la nak tau kita tinggal kat mana..rasanya diaorg ni target malaysian laa..iyer la malaysian kan ramai yang overstayed kat UK..nanti kalu dah kena ada visa lagi leceh..
sampai di M:anchester kami tunggu di stesen central dan tunggu hubby ku punya cousin..f:aiz(F) namanya. pukul 6++am kami sampai, org semua tgh berlari2 kejar train nak pegi keje..pi pekena coffee dulu, time ni sangat saya appreciate air panas..selalu asyik minum air batu ajaa..bila cousin dtg, kami dibawa ke student apartment dia..tak jauh,5min (i think less that that)..walking distance jer. masa tuh ada la traces of firstime akakk tgh snow gitew,...hehehe. sampai la kat student apt,bilik kecil tp selesa. alhamdulillah. then kami bersiap2,rehat 5min..F pegi amik kete sewa dan kami zaaazzztt ker n:ewcastle..tmpat yang hubby ku dulu pernah janji nak bawak pegi st.j:ames p:ark..yang dulunya saya ingat park ker, rupanya nama stadium kelab n:ewcastle memang best juga. sempat juga saya ke kedai runcit beli fresh cherries dan buah plum dan then kami bertolak ke utara lagi..l:eeds, s:underland, m:iddlesbrough,then ke l:iverpool, e:verton..kami pegi juga kelab m:anchester c:ity dan ke o:ld t:rafford..aper lagi kan ke s:tadium M:an United ler...fav si encik F..
lepas lepak di M:chester kami ke city of london..naik bas 3jam rasanya.bas ala2 bas express transnasional..huhuhuh..kami naik underground train ke P:addington..tmpat hotel kami..masa nak cari2 hotel, nasib ada makcik tua ni,nampak mcm dia pun baru sampai so kami sama2 tgk route map..pastu dia tnya nak pegi mana..kami ckp la s:ussex g:arden,then dia ckp dia pun nak pi sana, "come lets walk together, i'll show u"..kami pun suka la..boleh la dia invite follow dia,padahal dia pun baru sampai. borak2 dgn dia, dia ckp dia dari A:ustralia, and dia selalu gak pi P:enang dengan anak dia. pastu saya pun keluarkan statement.."err..i never been to penang!" arraarggghh.malunya tp dah tercakap kan..hahahha..pastu kami jalan nampak la ada B:onda cafe yang kami akan singgah esoknya. rupa makcik tu pun duduk hotel sederet kami juga.alhamdulillah dipermudahkan perjalankan kami.
kami lepak L:ondon 1.5 day..tak cukup maaa..berlari2 anak mcm nak patah kaki..dah la kasut yg dipakai mmg la sneakers tp tak perasan ianya diikat talinya sangat ketat so kekembangan or kelebaran kaki tak cukup..mcm darah tak jalan jer..boleh tak dah end of day baru perasan..time udah terlambaht sebabnya dah balik seminggu pun still rasa sakit kaki! tp saya enjoy!!!
aper kami buat di london??lawat tempat2 tourist attraction..madame tussauds saya masuk..parak duit tp takpe mcm tak complete jer still banyak lagi tempat tak sempat O:xford st harus lerr..huhuhu..soping..but not till drop..utk diri sendiri nothing much saya shop..utk org lain ader takpe..saya enjoy belikan utk family and frens! sebenarnya mcm2 peristiwa boleh cerita yg berkaitan dengan Bahasa melayu dan org nak cerita kat sini nanti panjang sangat!aper2 pun saya bangga mat saleh boleh ckp BM dan org kita yg kerja professional kat sana..i know bnyak..
saya wish dpt jalan2 cuti2 Malaysia..t:ioman, redang dan seangkatan dengannya pun tak lepas lagi..huhuh..itu bila2 takpe tetap nak pasang angan2 nak pegi NZ or land down under..kalu ada rezeki..insya allah.. :,
saat saat itu..
saat-saat di mana saya ingin menulis,tp masa memang tidak mengizinkan. saat saya mahu call nenek saya or mommy saya..ada sahaja yang panggil utk buat kerja..langsung terlupa utk buat call itu..nampak gaya memang sibuk,tp sebenarnya saya yang tak pandai cari masa or susun masa..tambah2 dengan penyakit asyik terlupa..dan kadang-kala short term memory harus jadi lebih baik dari hari-hari sebelumnya bukan? aper yang aku nak buat utk perbaiki kehidupan sehari2..saya dah agak kurang memperbaiki ilmu agama especially..takok tu ajaa..ilmu keibuan,hhmm..dah hampir buntu nak suruh anak ada selera makan yang betul..keisterian..kebuntuan nak masak benda2 best selain masak lauk&nasik..w/pun kekadang byk juga la cipta resepi sendiri a.k.a hentam koromo (tp jadik sedap juga..ahakkss)..
sekarang kununnya nak reduce weight..arrghh..baru satu kilo turun!hahahaha..more effort needed..nnt baru senang nak pregnen balik...why??ader target?cita2 tinggi tp....effort tak cukup aaa...perlu kaa saya amik supporting stuff,mcm the slimming drinks and etc? Tp hari tu pergi doktor,sebab tangan banyak gatal berair lepas balik UK..cerita la mcm2,then terbukak la cerita nak kurus..dia advice kalu nak, boleh amik r:eductil utk kurus..pastu saya agree la..mahal okey..pastu balik g:oogle la..aper cerita r:eductil nih..bannyaakk side effect nyer..!including bleh kena s:trok and h:eart attack!(i think if take for long term kot) giler ke aper..byk juga website yang hentam produk nih, UK dah tarik balik from shelf..m:alaysia?i dont know la..kena pi check i think berkesan la kot..drug effect kan kejap jer bleh nampak hasil..just to be safe,so saya pulangkan la balik produk ni..(dengan prejudisnyer..hahaha)..nasib tak buka kotaknya lagi..duit refund nyer ntah zaman bila plak nak, nak cuba produk lain..supplement drinks or something..tgk la mcm mana berjaya turun berat tak..hehee.
nak selit cerita pasal gegirl gegirl dah nanyi lagu twinkle2 little star...buai bila tang "sekuntum bunga cina"..dia tak sebut tuh, tp dia repeat balik "sampai kokok(pokok) sena" jadinya "...ape dalam baju, sampai kokok sena..."hahahha..asyik tergelak besar jer bila dia nyanyi laju buat laju2..sambil tepuk2 tangan..itu la pengubat duka..dia dah pandai baca doa makan walaupun bunyi samar2 ajer..jadi la..bukan mommy dia ajar..cikgu sekolah ajar.bagus alhamdulillah. dia dah nyanyi "ABC" dan sebut "1-12".. papaya=papayam (hahahaha)..nizam=nisam (hahahha juga setiap kali di panggil bapak dia)...sharina (mcm intonasi c:ina pelat BM)....dan ada la beberapa binatang lain..yang latest dolphine.
pegi mana2 sekarang statement nih je la saya dengar "cantiknya rambut dia..original ker?, ikut rambut u ek..?" hehehhe..tima bukan ikut rambut saya..and yes its original..aper ke halnyer nak bawak gi salon?hahahha..baik buat rambut saya!
sekarang kununnya nak reduce weight..arrghh..baru satu kilo turun!hahahaha..more effort needed..nnt baru senang nak pregnen balik...why??ader target?cita2 tinggi tp....effort tak cukup aaa...perlu kaa saya amik supporting stuff,mcm the slimming drinks and etc? Tp hari tu pergi doktor,sebab tangan banyak gatal berair lepas balik UK..cerita la mcm2,then terbukak la cerita nak kurus..dia advice kalu nak, boleh amik r:eductil utk kurus..pastu saya agree la..mahal okey..pastu balik g:oogle la..aper cerita r:eductil nih..bannyaakk side effect nyer..!including bleh kena s:trok and h:eart attack!(i think if take for long term kot) giler ke aper..byk juga website yang hentam produk nih, UK dah tarik balik from shelf..m:alaysia?i dont know la..kena pi check i think berkesan la kot..drug effect kan kejap jer bleh nampak hasil..just to be safe,so saya pulangkan la balik produk ni..(dengan prejudisnyer..hahaha)..nasib tak buka kotaknya lagi..duit refund nyer ntah zaman bila plak nak, nak cuba produk lain..supplement drinks or something..tgk la mcm mana berjaya turun berat tak..hehee.
nak selit cerita pasal gegirl gegirl dah nanyi lagu twinkle2 little star...buai bila tang "sekuntum bunga cina"..dia tak sebut tuh, tp dia repeat balik "sampai kokok(pokok) sena" jadinya "...ape dalam baju, sampai kokok sena..."hahahha..asyik tergelak besar jer bila dia nyanyi laju buat laju2..sambil tepuk2 tangan..itu la pengubat duka..dia dah pandai baca doa makan walaupun bunyi samar2 ajer..jadi la..bukan mommy dia ajar..cikgu sekolah ajar.bagus alhamdulillah. dia dah nyanyi "ABC" dan sebut "1-12".. papaya=papayam (hahahaha)..nizam=nisam (hahahha juga setiap kali di panggil bapak dia)...sharina (mcm intonasi c:ina pelat BM)....dan ada la beberapa binatang lain..yang latest dolphine.
pegi mana2 sekarang statement nih je la saya dengar "cantiknya rambut dia..original ker?, ikut rambut u ek..?" hehehhe..tima bukan ikut rambut saya..and yes its original..aper ke halnyer nak bawak gi salon?hahahha..baik buat rambut saya!
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