Dia dah 13 month. kejap sahaja masa berlalu.10 things about her:
1-ada 5 gigi..4 gigi tumbuh serentak at 12thmnt; sekarang tgh galak drooooooling!
2-belum pandai jalan...sikit lagi..but lately nih dia malas practice.. :< but suka tgk dia merangkak lagi!;
3-pandai salam & cium tgn..tp mesti lidah keluarkan lidah..so ppl would have extra saliva as a bonus!!hehehe
4-words yg boleh disebut:abah & alya (sounds ayyah)..huhuhu no mommy
5-still wants milk 2 to 3times everynite..w/pun ptg dah makan.still like newborn maaa...lambat susu mean loud 'music' kedengaran sambil susu dibuat...
6-likes to eat at nursery..tapi kalu kat rumah..kena paksa mkn..maybe she likes to eat with her frens around. sometimes eat more that her bigger size frens..2 mangkuk tuh..
7-she loves her soother and bantal peluk very much. she make herself sleeps with pacifier and the pillow on her face. that's her habit since born!
8-At 12 month she weighted ~7.3kg. Doc said not to worry as long as she's healthy and active!hhmm..but deep inside i like her to gain more!
9-she loves to 'read' books especially the cardboard books..hopefully kekal sampai besar.kalau majalah, habis la kena koyak!
10-Tak suka kena potong kuku..she will struggle herself until i stop clipping her nails.
she's so adorable!! comel sangat! dahlia pun tak banyak naik berat badan but my dr suruh dia gain more...i tak worried sangat asalkan dia minum sampai kenyang, dia sihat and aktif. i just think she's a slow gainer...
suka sangat cara adlina salam! laimn dr yg lain..and so cute! ahahaha..
tak sabar nak jumpa both of you again!
anne..i pun nak jmpa dahlia lagi laa..mesti dah pandai mcm2!slow gainer i rasa ok,as long as dia gain weight each month ok la tuh,maybe she's just like adlina!not to worry, she's an actve bb.adlina at one time tu gain 500g je a mnth..never reach more than 700g/mth..me myself was a slim baby..siap tak cukup bulan lagi..look how i bcome?hehehe.
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