Thursday, May 22, 2008
sangaaaaat sibuk nya this week...and a week bfore..and next week...i'm leaving to KT staying at h:eritage b:ay club..without adlina nor her father..kesian dia...sorry mommy kena pergi sbb keje (i wish i didnt have to go!!!) and i might stranded with the office driver that drives soooo slow and i dont know what time im gonna reach there..i'm bz doing my work which sometimes are not my work and i'm actually have a lot of my own important things to do....ended im neglate some other few important things hhhmm..stressful enuf. feels like nak jadi suri rumahhhh!!!aaaaahhh bestnya....! nak kena reward myself laa of being very stressful....i hope i 'enjoy' kat sana....lalilaaaa.....
Monday, May 5, 2008

tengah mendengar seminar,taking notes and at the same time jadi camera gurl..hehehe..@ m:arriott p:utrajaya...makan sedap tapi bila dah slalu sgt makan kat situ..mcm jadi tak best plak.but dessert nice..not too sweet..seronok guna camera..hhhmm..kat k:lcc ada canon carnival this weeek..mcm nak pergi tp mengenangkan kena turun kl plak...issshh kelecehan..adlina plak aku hantar nurseri..kalu mommy aku jaga leh overtime..ehehehehe...

a shot before hujan lebat giler...nasib bleh sorok camera dlm tudung!hehe..dah ler takde cover camera takde!ok..this is Masjid besi under construction..hhmm..tak tau aper nama sebenar masjid nih tp kalu kat newspaper mesti ckp pasal masjid besi..bleh muat 20k jemaah..ramai tu...kos berjuta ler..tak sabar nak tunggu siap..sbb masjid ni unik..dan iainya mengadap tasik yg tenang..
* this is not the best place to take a shot..sbenarnya ada view
lagi best tp atas sebab keselamatan..tak dpt ler..takpe nnt nak cuba jugak!
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